Why the Temple?

We are both members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. We believe that Christ's church was restored and is led by a prophet, as it was anciently.

We believe that through modern prophets, God's authority and power has also returned to the earth. We believe that through this power, we can make covenants and promises with God that last for eternity.

We believe that temples are houses of God, holy places where this power is accessible on earth. In the temple, we make special covenants with God that allow marriage to extend beyond death. These covenants and ceremonies are so sacred that we only discuss them inside the temple which has been dedicated to God and into which only worthy, prepared members of the Church are allowed. This is not to promote mystery or keep some big secret. It is simply to preserve the hallowed spiritual nature of the ordinances and covenants of the temple.

We wish everyone could be in the temple with us to witness our marriage and partake of the wonderful spirit and atmosphere of the temple. Anyone is welcome to join us on the beautiful temple grounds.

Thank you for respecting our beliefs and traditions. We love you and are so excited to celebrate with you!

If you have any questions or would like more information, please ask us! Or visit the following site:
https://www.mormon.org/beliefs/temples .

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